Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gopher Broke

Blur Studio specializes in making cool opening and cut-scenes for video games. Yet, once a while, they'd do shorts that are just cute and fun to watch. Here's a funny little animation from them called "Gopher Broke" about a gopher trying use his smarts to steal food from trucks. Yet, he ended up with something a bit too big for him to swallow.

Blur Studio 是專門幫電玩廠商製作遊戲開頭級片尾動畫的一家公司. 不過, 它們偶爾也會做一些可愛有趣的小短片. 這個相當好笑的動畫 "Gopher Broke" 就是其中之一. 這是在述說一隻地鼠在耍小聰明, 試著從路過的卡車上偷食物. 不過最後, 他偷到的食物似乎稍嫌過大了點...

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