Sunday, January 10, 2010

Inception - Trailer

Stumbled on the trailer for this movie called "Inception" by director Christopher Nolan. The preview is simultaneous exciting and puzzling. After watching the trailer for the 5th time, I still have absolutely no idea what the hell this movie is about. The synopsis does not help much either: "A contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind." However, all these doesn't stop the trailer from looking awesome and the fact that it's directed by the director who made some of the greatest movies of all time. (The Dark Knight, The Prestige) So, count me in on this one!

某天亂逛網路時偶然看到這部由 Christopher Nolan 導, 名叫 "Inception" (直譯: "初始") 的電影預告, 讓我同時變的很興奮, 卻又摸不著頭緒. 就算看了5遍, 還是不知道這電影是在講什麼. 簡介似乎也是沒什麼用: "一個現代的科幻動作片, 發生在精神的結構之中." 不過, 不管這電影要說什麼, 看起來似乎相當的精采. 而且這可是由導過如"黑暗騎士"和"頂尖對決"這些世紀大片的導演操刀的, 所以當然是不能錯過啦!

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