Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Third & The Seventh

When I first watched this short, I thought it was just a pretty well-shot footage with a very good camera (with a little effects added). And then, the description shocked me: this film is entirely in CG. I was skeptic of this until I watched the compositing breakdown. Man, this guy, Alex Roman, sure knows how to render. It's also quite refreshing to see a lot of well-known architecture masterpiece showcased here, in very photogenic angles.

當我第一次看到這短片 "The Third & The Seventh" (第三與第七) 時, 我只是覺得這是個用一台不錯的攝影機拍的高畫質影片罷了. 不過, 當我看到解釋時則大驚: 這短片全是電腦CG製作. 本來還不太敢相信, 但是看到這製作解析之後, 還真的不得不佩服製作人 Alex Roman 的3D功夫. 看到短片裡秀出許多知名的建築大作, 卻用一般人不會想到的角度去拍攝, 也是感覺蠻新奇的.

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