Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Superflat Monogram

Takashi Murakami is one of my favorite artists out there today. Heavily influenced by the Japanese anime culture, his artworks often involves flat shaded characters in bright, saturated colors and are simultaneously cute and scary. That's why I was really curious about this animation he did for Louis Vuitton. Those of you who follow fashion probably know that Murakami designed the monogram for a line of LV bags back in 2003. To promote this collaboration, he also did a short animated film about a Japanese school girl got "sucked" into the world of Louise Vuitton, and her bizarre adventures there. Murakami has recently created a sequel to the original animation to celebrate the six years-long partnership with LV.

村上隆是現今我最欣賞的藝術家之一. 它的作品有著濃濃的日本動畫風, 經常使用色彩鮮豔, 有點可愛又有點恐怖的角色. 所以當我聽說他要幫 Louis Vuitton 做動畫時自然是會變的相當好奇. 有在跟隨時尚流行的人大概都知道, 村上隆在2003年時曾幫LV設計一系列的包包. 為了宣傳合作, 他也幫LV製作了個動畫短片, 有關一個女學生被"吸進"了LV的世界裡, 而展開了她的奇幻旅程. 最近, 村上隆又幫LV做了那個短片的續集, 來慶祝與他們6年來的合作關係.

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