Sunday, January 24, 2010


Maxim Zhestkov is a young Russian motion designer and director who often produces works that are very abstract and provocative. His diploma project "Modul" is no different. Like many of his other pieces, he only uses black and white for his color, and very primitive shapes for his forms. Yet, with these limitations, he was able to create works of fine art that are very interesting, which often has this silent, yet powerful "Zen" feel to them. Check out his website for some of his other works.

Maxim Zhestkov 是蘇俄的一個年輕動畫藝術家/導演. 他的作品通常都是非常的抽象及具想像力. 他的畢業作品 "Modul" 就是一個很好的例子. 純粹只利用簡單的幾何圖形和黑與白這兩種顏色, Maxim 把這個限制變成創意, 創造出感覺非常沉靜, 卻又強大的"禪"之意境, 相當有趣. 他的網站也有其他的作品, 可以去看看.

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