Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nike - Take It To The Next Level

You may have noticed that there are a lot less updates on my blog these days, and that's because I am currently out of country right now, but things should resume back to normal once I get back. Anyway, coming back from watching "Sherlock Holmes", I must say it was an extremely entertaining and well-made movie. Of course, a lot of credits goes to Robert Downey Jr.'s great acting, but I believe the real star here is actually the film's director: Guy Ritchie. That is why I'm posting a commercial directed by him a couple years ago for Nike. (in collaboration with The Mill) Ritchie has the viewers experience what it's like to live the life of a world-famous soccer player, literally through the player's own eyes. The whole commercial maintains the brisk pace and the fun actions also found in the movie.

有人可能會發現最近我的部落格都沒更新, 那是因為我人現在在國外, 不方便po文章, 請多見諒. 剛看完 "福爾摩斯", 覺得這片非常的精彩好看. 當然, 這原因之一是小勞勃道尼出色的演技. 不過我覺得最終還是得歸功於本片導演, 蓋瑞奇 (Guy Ritchie) 的功力. 所以今天打算po一個他幾年前導的一個Nike的廣告 "Take It To The Next Level". ("把他帶到下個階段") 瑞奇要觀眾用第一人稱視角感受一下當一個世界知名的足球名星的生活. 整個影片輕快的節奏和娛樂效果感覺都很像他其他電影的風格.

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