Monday, April 5, 2010

Absolut Black & White

Even though it's not the best kind of vodka I've tasted, (in fact it's probably closer to worst) Absolut Vodka still has some of the best commercials out there. Following the stunning water-and-glass spectacle in "Absolut Dissection", the Swedish booze maker came back with two ads, one in black and another in white. Produced by Important Looking Pirates, both ads feature broken objects and pieces frozen in air, as if time has stopped. Then as the camera rotates, the objects slowly forms into the shape of their iconic vodka bottle.

雖然他們家的酒不是我喝過最好喝的 (事實上, 比較接近最難喝的) 絕對伏特加廣告卻還是在酒類廣告裡最有趣的. 繼他們上一部由晶瑩剔透的水與玻璃搭配的 "Absolut Dissection" 之後, 這個瑞典酒商一次連打兩支廣告, 一支黑一支白. 由 Important Looking Pirates 製作, 兩個廣告裡都看得到一堆物品和碎片, 漂浮在空中, 好像時間被凍結了一般. 攝影鏡頭不停旋轉, 最後看到那些四散的物體在特定的角度下形成了絕對伏特加有名的酒瓶形狀.

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  1. 您好~我寄了一封信到你的E-mail

