Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Monster Engine

Here's another still-images post for a change. "The Monster Engine" is a book and art exhibition project by Dave Devries that begs a single question, "What would a child’s drawing look like if it were painted realistically?" The idea and the works are quite similar to my previous post "Untoon". Here, various professional artists turn children's simple sketches into masterpieces by adding in realistic lighting, shading, and textures while keeping the same shapes and forms. The result? a series of super cool but also super creepy paintings that may scare the same kids who drew the original drawings.

今天又決定來介紹一些非影片的作品了. "The Monster Engine" (怪物引擎) 是 Dave Devries 所開始的一系列展覽計畫, 目的就只是要回答一個問題: "如果把一個小孩的塗鴉拿來畫得非常真實, 那看起來會是怎樣?" 這個概念和作品感覺跟我之前介紹的 "Untoon" 有異曲同工之妙. 在這裡, 不同的職業畫家把孩童的塗鴉拿來當底圖, 加入了相當真實的光影, 材質, 以及鮮明的顏色. 結果呢? 產生了一群非常有趣卻又有點恐怖的畫作. 那些畫出原來底圖的小孩們看到這些畫可能會被嚇到做惡夢吧?

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