Thursday, April 22, 2010

Polar Bear

Probably not the best feel-good video to post on a TGI-friday, but it's still got good intentions. PlaneStupid has taken the environmental message to the extreme by producing this shocking advertisement "Polar Bear". It shows a bunch of polar bears falling to their death, and then goes on to tell us that it's equal to the weight of greenhouse gases an average flight emits. If the goal was to make the viewers remember to recycle next time, then it's definitely more effective than anything else I've seen.

如果你想要維持星期五的好心情的話, 那最好還是別看這個影片. 不過, 我們還是不能互略這個影片要傳達的訊息. PlaneStupid 把提倡環保運動帶到了一個駭人又悲哀的境界, 製作了這篇稱為 "北極熊" 的宣導短片. 影片裡殘酷的秀出一群北極熊, 從高空中直體落下, 狠狠的摔死到地上, 血液四濺. 短片最後寫: "平均一架飛機載一個人需要製造超過400公斤的溫室氣體, 那大約是一隻北極熊的重量". 如果這影片是為了要觀眾記得自源回收的話, 那我覺得它比我看到其他的廣告都有效多了.

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