Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Hero

A friend of mine from Israel has sent me this super interesting video. It's a short about a hero who has apparently saved and inspired many people around the world, and guess who is this hero? It's... me! That's right, the person in the picture that the lady is holding is me, and that portrait of mine shows up in other parts of the video as billboards, paintings, and signs. Apparently, this website, "DRAFTFCB", allows you to create a movie about yourself or your friend by uploading a picture of a person, and it processes that picture and then integrates it into the short film, making you or anyone you know the star of the show. The video takes a while to load because the picture conversion process probably takes a long time, but trust me it's worth the wait. Try to make a movie of your friend, send it to them, and see their reaction!

我的一個在以色列的朋友寄了這個相當有趣的影片給我. 這個短片是有關一位拯救並啟發世界上許多人的一個大英雄. 猜猜看那個英雄是誰呢? 那就是... 我! 沒錯, 上圖那位小姐捧著的就是本人的照片, 而且那照片還在影片其他地方以不同的形式出現. 有時候我被登在廣告牌上, 有時候變成一幅油畫, 有時候變成人們高舉的告示牌. 事實上, 這個網站 "DRAFTFCB" 能夠讓你製作一部有關於你自己的電影. 你只需要把一張相片上傳到網站上, 它就會處理那個圖檔, 最後把那張相片合成到影片裡面, 讓你本人變成這電影裡的主角過過癮. 影片下載的時間很長 (可能是因為處理圖檔的程序很繁雜) 不過等待是值得的. 試試看把你朋友的相片上傳進去, 然後把影片寄給他, 看看對方會有什麼反應.

Thanks, Dana!

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