Thursday, April 1, 2010

Penguins Could Fly

BBC has made an amazing discovery. They've shot this footage which reveals that, contrary to popular belief, some penguins could actually fly! According to the host in the video, these penguins "fly thousands of miles from south pole to the rain forest in south america to spend the winter bathing in tropical sun." Pretty amazing isn't it?

Edit: Some of you probably have found out that it's actually an April Fools' joke :P, but it's still pretty amazing how far BBC would go to pull a prank like this. Here is a making of for the video.

BBC (英國新聞電台) 最近有了一個歷史性的大發現. 他們在南極拍到的這個紀錄片很明顯的證實, 企鵝其實是會飛的! 而且飛得又遠又高呢! 根據影片裡主持人的說法, 這些特種企鵝跟普通企鵝不大一樣, "冬天到時,他們會成群結隊的飛到數千里遠南美洲熱帶雨林必寒. 享受充分的熱帶陽光." 這則相當驚人的新聞完全推翻了一般大眾的常識呢.

跟新: 眼尖的讀著們可能已經察覺到了這其實是個 4/1 愚人節的玩笑 :P. 不過, 還是不得不佩服BBC為了這個騙局而花了多少功夫製作這影片. 按這裡看看幕後製作.

1 comment:

  1. 這真是太神奇了!!!
