Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Create Your Own Flame

So did you get a chance to catch "How to Train Your Dragon" last weekend? (If not, get your butt off your seat and go watch it now! 97% on rottentomatoes.com now!) Do you like the dragon fires that our effects team created? If that made you really tempted to draw your own fiery art but don't know how, fear not. Peter Blaškovič has created this awesome web application that allows you to create beautiful flame images with a few simple strokes. I created that top image in a few seconds, and I dare you to do better! Check out his gallery for some other cool apps, the other one that I really liked is the fire simulator.

各位上周末有去看 "馴龍高手" 嗎? (沒有的話還不趕快現在去看! Rottentomatoes 的分數現在已經飆到97%了!) 有看到我們特效組所做的各種火龍所噴的火焰嗎? 如果那些火焰讓你覺得手癢, 也想來創造一些漂亮的烽火圖卻又不知道該怎麼畫的話, 別擔心. Peter Blaškovič 製作了這一套超酷的網路應用程式, 讓你簡簡單單幾筆畫就可以完成一張火焰畫. 上面那張圖是我花了幾秒鐘畫出來的, 你一定可以畫得更好. 看看Peter的一些其他的應用程式, 都很有趣. 我另外一個很喜歡的是這個火焰模擬器.

Thanks, Tim and Lauren!

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