Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coke "Heist"

Ever seen Ocean's Eleven? Well, think of this spot for Coca-Cola as a bug's version of Ocean's Eleven, with their $150 million grand price being... a bottle of coke, of course. New York based studio Psyop has created this charming commercial about a group of bugs trying to steal a bottle of coke from a napping dude with their wit and skills. My favorite part is how a group of butterflies mimics the bottle as a stand-in. This commercial is the winner of the best commercial for 2009 Emmy Awards.

有看過瞞天過海嗎? 那麼, 把這個可口可樂的廣告視為瞞天過海的蟲蟲版, 而他們拼了命要偷的東西當然是... 一瓶可樂啦. 這個可愛的廣告是由紐約的Psyop製作, 描述一群小蟲子用他們的機智與技巧把一瓶可樂從在睡覺的人手中偷走. 我最喜歡的部分是一群蝴蝶把自己偽裝成一個瓶子的樣子當替身. 這個廣告贏得了2009年的艾美最佳廣告獎.

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