Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cubic Tragedy

Cubic Tragedy is a short made by Ming-Yuan, a student from National University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. (Where my hometown is!) It is a story of a polygonal girl trying to fix the imperfections of her face by using some magical tools, and yet messed up and ended up with a tragic result. I really like how, rather than being an ambiguous choice, the geometric style of this animation really helps telling the story. this short will seem even funnier to the people who's been through the tortures of 3D digital modelling.

Cubic Tragedy 是一個在台北科技大學的學生Ming-Yuan(明元?)所製作的國產動畫! 故事描述一個多邊形女子為了消除臉上不完美的瑕疵,於是用一些神奇道具作修正.不過她因為搞雜了一切而最後落到悲慘的下場. 我很喜歡作者利用方塊的風格來描述這個故事. 這動畫對有體會過做數位3D模型的煎熬的人會顯的格外好笑.

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