Monday, October 26, 2009

"9" Original Short

Many of you have probably seen or heard of the new animated film "9" released last month, but did you know that it is actually based off a student project created by the same guy who directed the movie? Shane Acker, while studying film and animation in UCLA, showed off his short at a film festival. Tim Burton saw the short and was so impressed by it, that he decided to help Shane turning it into a full-length feature. This is probably every animation student's ultimate dream, and it came true for him. (In case if you don't know about this movie, here's the trailer)

上個月在美國上映了一部動畫電影, 片名叫"9". (台灣好像沒上映...) 這部電影是改編一個學生做的動畫短片. 而後來那個學生, Shane Acker, 也成了那部電影的導演. Shane Acker當初在UCLA讀電影和動畫製作時, 在一個電影影展裡秀出了他做的短片, 被Tim Burton大導演看到. Tim非常喜歡這短片, 而決定幫Shane把"9"搬到大銀幕上. 這大概是所有讀動畫的學生的終極夢想吧? 而Shane他實現了這個夢. (看看電影的預告片)

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