Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saturn Rebrand

Saturn is a European electronics chain store, sort of like the Best Buy in America. However, I'm sure Best Buy would never have an advert like this one. Done by 1stAveMachine, this rebranding commercial features a female robot partially disintegrates herself into floating bits and pieces. The whole video is very sexually suggestive, and yet feels very sleek and futuristic at the same time. Also check out the "director's cut" if you're interested. (although somewhat less impressive in my opinion) Warning: Both videos are a bit NSFW since they feature a chick who's about 99% nude.

Saturn 是歐洲的一個電子產品連鎖商,有點像台灣的燦坤. 不過,我很確定燦坤絕對不會有像他們一樣那麼勁暴的廣告. 由1stAveMachine製作,這個廣告秀出一個女機器人慢慢的把她身體各部位分解,變成許多微小漂浮的零件. 整個廣告算是很性感,不過感覺又有種冷酷的未來感. 也可以看看"導演剪輯" (雖然我覺得那倒是沒那麼酷) 警告: 這些影片不宜在工作時觀看,因為裡面得女子幾乎99%是全裸.

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