Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Onwards" is a short created by James Jarvis and sponsored by Nike, which follows a potato-head runner as he jogs across various terrains and fields. I really like the smooth and creative transitions between different parts of the animation, which blends the various imaginative worlds that the runner came across really well. One could tell from this short that the creator really enjoys running, and understands the hardships, joys and surprises that it gave him too.

"Onwards"是James Jarvis製作, 由Nike贊助的一個動畫短片. 動畫跟隨一個在慢跑的馬鈴薯頭穿越各式各樣的森林和平原. 我很喜歡這個動畫以相當順暢並且有創意的方式從一個環境轉換到下一個, 使得這些充滿不同想像力的世界連結了起來. 可以看得出來創作者相當喜歡跑步, 而且很了解跑步帶給他的快樂, 辛勞, 和驚喜.

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