Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sony Bravia Ad "Play-Doh"

In the previous post I wrote how Sony's adverts are some of the most creative ones out there, and here's another example to prove my point. "Play-Doh" is one of several Bravia commercials from the joint effort of Fallon London and Passion Pictures. It is a stop motion animation, but what makes it so great is how the real time background elements such as people and cars seem to be moving so fast compared to the bunnies, as if they exist in a separate time, yet occupy the same space. Check out the other Bravia ads such as "Balls","Paint", and "Pyramid", as well as the making of for this ad.

在上一篇文章中我有說到Sony的廣告是我看過最有創意的,而現在要介紹的廣告更證明了我的看法. "Play-Doh"(黏土)是Sony液晶電視Bravia的廣告之一,由倫敦的Fallon LondonPassion Pictures合力製作. 這是個逐格動畫,不過跟其他的逐格動畫不同的是, 你可以看到真實背景的人事物似乎比那些彩色兔子還快速的改變和移動, 感覺好像他們在不同的時間,卻又在同一個空間裡. 有興趣的話也看看Bravia其他的廣告如"Balls"(球),"Paint"(顏料),和"Pyramid"(金字塔). 也別忘了看一下幕後製作.

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