Sunday, October 11, 2009

Doll Face

A really unsettling film from Andrew Huang, Doll Face is about a weird jack-in-the-box type of robot with spidery arms constantly trying to make herself look like the image on TV. The message of the short is simple, yet quite powerful too.

一個給人感覺不大舒服的短片, Andrew Huang所製作的Doll Face是關於一個像是蹦蹦小丑魔術盒的女機器人,用她像蜘蛛般的觸角試著讓自己變的像電視裡的人一樣美麗.給人的訊息簡單易懂,不過又很強烈

1 comment:

  1. this one is pretty interesting. -steve lin
