Saturday, October 24, 2009


Sweetheart is part of a series of identity reboot campaign for MTV International. A collaborative effort between Universal Everything and Zeitguised, this video shows an exploding heart made of... candies. At first glance, I really couldn't tell what message it is trying to convey, only thought what ever I saw was pretty cool in a weird way. Then I realized, that is probably its message: To present the brand as something cool in a weird yet refreshing way.

Sweetheart (甜心)是MTV International一連串的品牌宣傳廣告之一. 由英國的Universal EverythingZeitguised合力製作,這個廣告秀出了一個用糖果製作出的愛心正在爆炸當中. (叫它"甜心"應該也不為過吧?) 第一次看到這的時候有點搞不清這影片想表達什麼,只覺得很怪又挺酷的. 不過後來發現,這就是它要表達的東西: 把MTV這電台詮釋成一個很怪,很酷,又很新鮮的東西.

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