Saturday, February 27, 2010


Stink Digital has created this epic promo for Philips' Cinema 21:9 HDTV. The pitch is to create something so cinematic, that it can match with Hollywood's best theatric experience, and they did just that. The spot depicts a a single, frozen moment in the midst of a battle between the cops and the robbers, through a single camera that moves across the entire scene, Matrix style. The reason why this is titled "Carousel" is because, like an actual carousel, its end connects seamlessly with its beginning, and can be played in an endless loop.

Stink Digital 為飛利浦最新的電視 Cinema 21:9 做了一個宣傳廣告. 客戶的要求是, 製作一個可以和好萊塢動作片相競的戲劇性體驗, 而 Stink Digital 也的確辦到了. 這影片秀出了警察和帶著小丑面具的強盜對持的一瞬間. 攝影機在這時間被凍結的場景裡四處穿梭, 感覺很像駭客任務的拍攝手法. 這影片名叫 "Carousel" (旋轉木馬) 的原因是它也是在自我循環. 短片結尾就是它的開頭, 跟一個旋轉木馬一樣, 可以不停的, 無間隙的重複播放.

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