Thursday, February 18, 2010

Greedy Boy

"Greedy Boy" is a graduate project by Flew that is quite similar to my previous post "Moonboy", except the main character here may not be as sympathetic as the other one. The story is quite simple, described in one line by the creator as "A boy eats everything he can and doesn't know when to stop." The ending of this short can be a little shocking and may gross some of you out, so don't say I didn't warn you!

之前介紹了 "Moonboy" (月亮男孩), 那今天就介紹一下"Greedy Boy" (貪婪男孩) 吧. 兩部短片感覺相當類似, 但是這片的主角可沒那麼令人同情. 作者 Flew 就說了, "這是個有關一名什麼都要吃掉, 不知何時停止的男孩." 看到他張開的血盆大口也是不難想像. 結局有點驚人加噁心, 所以要看的人請有自知.

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