Saturday, February 6, 2010


Here is a sad story about a little salt bottle guy who got abandoned by his family. Why? Because the family found something healthier than salt, and it's Knorr's Side Kick! If that sounds like an advertisement tag line, that's because it is an advertisement. However, AXYZ's creation is still a cute and soulful clip. Furthermore, who can possibly resist a crying little salt bottle in rain! Here are some other clips involving our little guy Salty: "Dating" and "Brace".

這是悲傷的故事: 一個可憐的小鹽巴罐被他的家人拋棄了. 為什麼呢? 因為他家人找到了更健康的選擇, 那就是 Knorr 的 Side Kick! (一家加拿大公司出產的低鈉鹽) 如果這聽起來像是廣告詞的話, 那是因為這本來就是個廣告. 不過, 這個由 AXYZ 所製作的短片還是相當的可愛又惹人憐啊. 更何況, 誰能忍心看著一個在雨中哭泣的鹽巴罐而不同情的呢? 也看看其他 Salty 的短片吧: "Dating" (約會) 和 "Brace" (支撐).

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