Monday, February 22, 2010

The Lady And The Reaper

There is one other animation that I really like on the Oscar nominated shorts this year, and that's "The Lady and the Reaper" by the Spanish team Kandor Moon. Even though it's dealing with the theme of death, (why do I see so many shorts like that these days?) the animation is really fast-paced, fun and humorous. Especially when everything just gets so weird and surreal near the end. Click here to check out the concept art and character designs.

這次的奧斯卡最佳動畫短片提名裡另一個讓我覺得很有趣的動畫是由西班牙來的 Kandor Moon 所製作的 "The Lady and the Reaper" (婦人與死神). 雖然這是有關死亡的故事, (怎麼最近常常看到這種短片?) 不過卻相當的幽默搞笑, 步調輕快. 尤其是在結尾時, 故事變的越來越瘋狂, 越來越有想像力. 按這裡看它的草圖和角色設計.

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