Monday, February 1, 2010

Sundance Openings

Just came back from Sundance Film Festival 2010, and man, I've got to say it was an amazing experience. (It is one of the biggest independent film festival held in Park City, Utah every year in January) I was lucky enough to see a screening of a fun film that parodies the modern day horror film. Yet, the thing that left a stronger impression was actually the opening animation that plays before every Sundance films. These openings, created by Buck, are all stop-motion animations, and all end with the word "Rebel", the theme for the festival this year. There are 4 pieces: "Grow Underground", "Come Together", "Begin Again", and "Tell Your Own Story".

剛從 2010 年日舞影展回來, 說真的這實在是個很棒的體驗. (日舞影展是美國規模最大的獨立電影影展. 每年一月於猶他州舉行) 我很幸運的看到了一部蠻有趣的獨立喜劇, 是有點像是在嘲笑好萊塢恐怖片的電影. 不過, 令我印象最深刻的不是那部電影, 而是在電影放映前的開頭短片. 日舞影展委託一家叫 Buck 的公司為他們製作4個短片為每部電影做開頭. 這些都是逐格動畫, 而且都以 "Rebel" ("叛逆" - 今年的主題) 這個字做結尾. 這4個動畫分別為: "Grow Underground" (地底生長), "Come Together" (集合), "Begin Again" (重新開始), 和 "Tell Your Own Story" (述說自己的故事).

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