Sunday, February 28, 2010


A friend of mine who's currently in a medical school in Poland has sent me this fun little clay animation from the Spanish studio Citoplasmas. Using the strength of claymation, this short tries to demonstrate the "terrible and funny consequences of a boring class" by deforming and defacing its clay characters. I really have to wonder if this is what that medical student friend of mine feels during all his classes?

我一個在波蘭讀醫學院的朋友寄給我了一個還蠻有趣的黏土動畫. 由西班牙的 Citoplasmas 製作, 這個動畫充分使用了黏土的特性, 盡情的把裡面各種黏土角色的臉弄得扭曲變形, 來表示大學裡有些課堂的無聊程度. 我好奇的是, 這動畫是不是反映出了那個醫學系朋友在課堂裡的心聲了呢?

Thanks, Dallas!

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