Tuesday, February 9, 2010

French Roast

The 2010 Oscar nomination has recently been announced, and among the nominees for best animated short film, my favorite one has got to be "French Roast", produced by Pumpkin Factory / Bibo Films. The story itself is fun and charming, but it is really the unique cinematography that intrigues me. The whole animation uses a single camera angle, and never switches its view to a different perspective. The camera itself only pans or zooms, but never rotates. With this clever use of camera motion, fade-in and fade-out transitions, and the large mirror at the very back, the film is able to convey the whole story with just a single shot, a very unique story-telling technique indeed. For a list of other animations that got nominated, click here and scroll down to "Short Film (Animated)".

2010 年的奧斯卡提名出爐了, 而在動畫短片的名單中, 我最喜歡的作品是由 Pumpkin Factory / Bibo Films 製作的 "French Roast". (法式烘焙) 雖然故事風趣幽默, 但是這短片真正特別的地方是它的用鏡. 整個動畫就只用一個鏡頭, 從來不換到其他的角度. 攝影機會上下左右移動, 但從來不旋轉. 利用這巧妙的運鏡方式, 淡入淡出的變換畫面, 以及後頭的那面大鏡子, 這短片以相當特別有趣的方法描述了一個故事. 要知道還有哪些動畫短片被提名的話請按這, 然後到 "Short Film (Animated)" 的部分.

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