Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't Take Chances. Take Charge.

I remember my visual psychology professor back in college once said that, human brains are programmed to recognize faces, even on the most random and irrelevant things. This is why people freak out when they see the face on mars and the Virgin Mary grilled cheese is sold for $28,000 on ebay. While, in fact, they are just a regular rock on mars and a burnt piece of bread. This is also why, this commercial from American Express really caught my eye: they've used this simple concept and created a whole video featuring mundane objects arranged like faces. Suddenly, those objects are not so mundane anymore, and could even convey emotions to us.

我還記得在讀大學時, 我的視覺心理學教授曾跟我們說, 人類的大腦被設定成特別容易識別"臉", 而且對臉的視覺感應比其他事物都來的靈敏, 就算那些"臉"的形狀根本是由無關的東西碰巧形成的. 這也是為什麼當人們看到火星上的人面石會那麼驚訝, 而聖母馬利亞像的烤麵包會在網拍上以$28,000美元的天價賣出. 說穿了那些東西只不過是普通的石頭和烤焦麵包而已. 而美國運通就是利用這特點來打廣告: 廣告裡秀出了一些平淡無奇, 每天都會看到的物品或場景. 但是由於那些東西形成了一張張"臉"的樣貌, 而突然好像沒那麼無聊, 反而好像在對觀眾傳達某種情感.

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