Saturday, February 20, 2010

Slo-Mo Surfing

BBC has shot this super slow motion HD footage of a surfer in some huge waves. Seeing the motion of the water and how the surfer glides through them is absolutely stunning. I feel like certain things always look more beautiful and dramatic in slo-mo. (remember the bullets and the fire?) If your connection speed is fast enough, I highly suggest you turn it on to 1080p HD and watch it in full screen.

BBC (英國最大的新聞電台) 拍了一個超慢速的 HD 衝浪影片. 這些水流優雅的變化, 以及衝浪手輕鬆的滑越過由水形成的通道那瞬間真的很驚艷又美麗. 我覺得有些事物以超慢速播出感覺真的比較優美, 有戲劇性, 會讓你發現平常不會看到的事. (還記得子彈火焰的影片嗎?) 如果你網路夠快的話, 我建議你把影片調成1080p HD 高畫質, 並以全螢幕欣賞.

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