Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is a uber-cool music video from Good General. The song is called "Hibi no Neiro" (Tone of Everyday) and is performed by the Japanese band SOUR. Looking at the cool "collage" effect from multiple videos, you could tell that there was some massive and intricate planning involved beforehand. According to the creators, "The cast were selected from the actual Sour fan base, from many countries around the world. Each person and scene was filmed purely via webcam."

這個超酷的影片是由 Good General 為一個日本的樂團 SOUR 所導的 MV, 歌名叫 "日々の音色". (每日的音色) 看著它用 "拼貼" 的方式把不同的影片組合起來製造出的效果, 就不難想像這 MV 背後的計畫是多麼的仔細與周詳. 根據製作人的解說, "裡面的演員全都是世界各地的 SOUR 粉絲, 每個片段都完全是用網路視訊攝影機拍出來的."

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