Saturday, March 20, 2010

Telephone MV

Originally I wasn't going to post this one, since it's really a bit too explicit and too weird. (Besides, not everyone likes Lady GaGa) However, I feel obligated to post it as a tribute to my friend's love for the video. She even went so far as quoting this line on her facebook: "Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broke, but you can still see the crack in that motherf*cker's reflection." Even if you don't agree with that quote, you still gotta agree that this is one unique and quirky music video. Lady GaGa always finds a way to push the envelope with her crazy outfits and performances, and this one is definitely packed with style and attitude. Right Cleo? ;)

Lady GaGa 的新MV "Telephone" 實在是太古怪又曝露, 我本來是不打算放上來的. (而且並不是每個人都喜歡她) 不過, 我有個朋友實在是太愛這支MV, 讓我覺得我有義務來分享她的最愛. 她甚至在她的 facebook 裡po了在MV裡出現的名言: "信賴就像面鏡子, 破了的話你可以把它修好, 不過最後你還是可以看得到那他X的裂痕." 先不管你同不同意這句話, 這支MV還真的是十分勁爆又大膽. Lady GaGa 總是有辦法挑戰觀眾的視覺極限, 在MV裡打扮標新立異, 相當有自己的獨特風格. 你說對不對, Cleo? ;)

(更新: 聽說之前放的連結在美國地區以外都不能看, 所以我把連結改成另一個網站. 不知道現在在台灣的讀著看得到了嗎? 以後有類似問題麻煩和我說一聲! 謝啦!)


  1. haha right!! not totally in love with the video though, but i love the quote! its a true reflection of human nature.. no matter what happens afterwards, you will still remember that something has been shattered..
    oh ur translation... 他X的 XDD also ur link doesn't work! it's censored!

  2. blahhh u serious? Alright I changed the video link to MTV instead of YouTube... does it work now?

  3. haha i'm serious!!
    and it's still "unavailable"... or so the website says..~"~
    they just don't want you to post it! :D:D
