Wednesday, March 10, 2010


GINA (short for "Geometry In 'N' Adaptations") is a concept car from the automaker BMW, and it is probably one of the most interesting and revolutionary car designs I've ever seen. Instead of using hard metal skin for its exterior, GINA is made out of frames that are wrapped by soft and flexible fabric. Because of this, the car is capable of shape-shifting and is incredibly light. The way things open and close such as the eye-lid like headlights, wing-like doors and zipper-like hood are also quite incredible. But I do have to wonder, how safe is it to drive 80 mph in a fabric-covered machine...?

GINA 是汽車大亨 BMW 所設計的一部概念車. 這大概是我看過最有趣也最革命性的汽車概念之一吧. 與其用一般硬梆梆的金屬片當外殼, GINA 則利用柔軟, 有彈性的布料包紮住骨架來當車的"外皮". 因為如此, 這部車能夠改變自己的外形, 而且相當輕盈. 它那像眼睛一樣的車燈, 翅膀般的車門和拉鍊般的引擎蓋都讓我大開眼界. 不過, 我倒不知道在一台被布料包著的機器裡飆到時速100公里有多安全就是了...

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