Sunday, March 28, 2010

Het Klokhuis

"3D printing" is a technology usually used in the field of architecture and industrial design. Basically, designers would first create digital models with CAD programs. Then, the printer would "print" out physical 3D models of the design by putting layers of materials on top of each other. I remember people back in architecture schools and companies used it for design visualizations. However, it's the first time I'm seeing 3D printing used in stop-motion animation. It's the title and ending sequence for the Dutch science show "Het Klokhuis" (The Apple Core), created by Nexus, and the result is really quite interesting. Here's a behind the scenes look of the process.

"3D 列印" 是建築和工業設計行業常用的一種技術. 基本上, 設計師會先用電腦CAD程式設計出數位模型, 然後把檔案輸進3D列表機. 列表機就會 "印" 出一層一層的塑膠物質, 最後築構出實際的立體模型. 我還記得之前在建築學校及公司裡有許多人用這方法來把他們的設計實體化. 不過, 我還是第一次看到有人把這科技用在動畫上. 這個逐格動畫是 Nexus 為荷蘭的一個電視節目 "Het Klokhuis" (蘋果核) 所做的開頭以及結尾影片. 使用這創新的方法所製造出的效果真的蠻有趣的. 按這裡看看幕後製作.

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