Saturday, March 6, 2010

MTVN HD - Lake/Speaker

Korb has came up with these two really cool spots for MTVN HD: "Lake" and "Speaker". The common theme among these two shorts seem to be the formation of alien speaker-like objects mysteriously appearing in or on top of a lake. The sound design from Echolab is also pretty neat and spot-on.

Korb 為 MTVN HD 製作了這兩個相當屌的廣告: "Lake" (湖) 和 "Speaker" (喇叭). 這兩個廣告的共同點似乎是在於一個不明物體的形成, 而這些外星物體看上去像某種喇叭, 神秘的在湖面上漂浮或是淹沒在湖水中. Echolab 為這兩個廣告設計的音效也挺酷的, 相當的搭. 廣告最後寫: "完美的誕生, 讓音樂活起來."

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