Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Lighthouse Keeper

"The Lighthouse Keeper" is a story of morals from the students of the French art school Gobelins. It teaches us that we need to be kind to others, even if it's a... giant firefly. What caught my eye with this one is the old-fashioned artistic style and the very muted color palette. The ending, which the story is building up to for the whole time, also has quite an impact.

"The Lighthouse Keeper" (燈塔守衛) 是一個道德故事. 由法國的 Gobelins 藝術學院的學生製作, 這短片教導我們隨時都要善待他人, 就算對方是隻... 超巨大的螢火蟲. 這動畫有趣的地方在於利用很復古的畫風以及非常單一的色調, 還蠻有舊式卡通的感覺. 而整個故事的高潮結局也挺有震撼力的.

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