Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today, I've decided to post something that's not video for the first time. However, it is still very much related to the field of animation and visual effects. These series of images is an internet movement started from (I believe) the blogger/artist Pixeloo which he coined "Untoon". It is to take a well-known cartoon or game character and try to make it look as realistic as possible, yet still maintaining the cartoonish shapes and proportions. The result, to be honest, is quite creepy and striking to me. Click the super realistic-looking Mario image to see more untooned characters. (Image courtesy of Pixeloo, Worth1000, Mataleone, Gearfuse and Halolz)

今天, 我決定第一次來po一些非影片的作品. 不過, 這些作品還是和動畫以及特效有密切的關係. 這些圖片是從(我猜想)一名自稱 Pixeloo 的部落客/藝術家所開始的網路潮流所延伸出的. 而他稱之這個潮流為 "Untoon" (非卡通化). 基本上, 就是把一個有名的卡通人物或電玩角色"現實化", 弄得非常真實, 但同時又保留人物原本的形狀和比例. 這個成果說實在的, 實在是又畸形又詭異, 不過卻又很新奇有趣. 按上面的超真實板瑪莉歐來看看其他 "非卡通化" 的作品. (圖自 Pixeloo, Worth1000, Mataleone, Gearfuse Halolz)

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