Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Humble TV has made this short that tells us how it's probably not a good idea to let your food go bad in your fridge. This short is titled "Homunculus", Latin for "little human". It shows various miniature yet violent humanoid creatures arise from the rotten food, tearing each others apart, and eating up their bodies. The clip where things rot in the beginning is shot for a long period of time (11 days) and then compressed to be shown at a very fast rate. The result, as the creator states, is a "beautiful decay" of life that gives rise to these little monsters.

Humble TV 拍了這個短片來警告我們把食物放在冰箱裡發霉發臭大概不是一件好事. 這片名叫 "Homunculus", 是拉丁文的 "小矮人". 裡面秀出了從腐爛的食物裡誕生的奇妙生物, 抓狂似得撕扯互相的身體, 吃掉對方. 影片一開頭可以看到許多食物快速腐壞, 這片段是把花了11天拍攝的影片縮短成數秒鐘, 快速播放出來. 對製作人來說, 只有讓這些原有的生命腐敗消逝, 才有可能催生出這些另類的生命體.

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