Friday, December 4, 2009

Absolut Dissection

Mass Market, Psyop's sister company (the one who did Coke "Heist") , has created this gorgeous TV spot for Absolut Vodka. In this ad, the vodka bottle disintegrates into thousands of tiny pieces, revealing the clear liquid within. The water you see here is real, not CG. The studio used an 8000 fps camera to shoot the moment when a balloon full of water explodes when being poked. They then combined the ultra slow-motion footage of the water with computer generated glass shards to create this video. I love the attention to details in this ad, especially how in the end when the glasses piece themselves back together in meticulous and intelligent motions.

Mass MarketPsyop的姊妹公司, (之前做可口可樂廣告的那個) 他們幫絕對伏特加所做的廣告真的很漂亮. 在裡面, 玻璃酒瓶被分裂成數千個小碎片, 裸露出裡面晶瑩剔透的液體. 在這裡看到的水可是真的, 並不是電腦CG. Mass Market用8000 fps影格速率的高速攝影機拍射了水球被刺破的那一瞬間, 然後把超慢速的水體影片與電腦特效製作出的玻璃碎片合併在一起, 製作出了這效果. 我很喜歡他們對小細節的處裡, 尤其是最後當碎片重新組合在一起時, 他們的動作很細膩, 感覺好像有智慧似的.