Sunday, December 13, 2009

World Builder

"World Builder" is a touching story from Bruce Branit about a man building a virtual world that feeds into the mind of his comatose lover. This short was originally submitted to various film festivals, but was under-appreciated by the judges. Surprisingly, it found its life in the internet world when Bruce uploaded it on to YouTube, and became one of the most popular videos. However, as sad as the story is, the holographic building device is pretty damn cool. I'd love to try one of those things to build my own little world.

"World Builder" (創世著) 是 Bruce Branit 製作的一個感人的短片. 述說一個男子為了他那昏迷的愛人, 創造出了一個虛擬的世界傳送到他愛人的頭腦裡. 這短片原本被送到各個影展秀出, 但都得不到評審的青睞. 令人訝異的是, 這短片卻在網路上找到了新的生命. 當Bruce上傳這短片不久後, 點視率就大增. 雖然短片本身算是個悲劇, 但是主角使用的立體建模程式真的是太酷了. 可以的話, 還真希望也搞一個來玩玩看, 創造屬於我的世界.

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