Saturday, December 12, 2009


"Kiwi!" is a Dony Permedi's master thesis animation at The School of Visual Arts in New York. Since its upload in 2006, the short has garnered more than 24 million views on YouTube... now that is some crazy internet viral effect going on here. The cute short tells the story of a kiwi, a type of flightless bird originating from New Zealand, trying to fulfill his life-long dream of flying in the air. Even if the rendering and lighting in this student short is simple, with almost no texture or effects, the animation is still very fluid and well-made. Not to mention it's got a story that's both very sweet and sad.

"Kiwi!" 是 Dony Permedi 在紐約的 The School of Visual Arts 製作的畢業動畫. 從他2006年上傳到YouTube至今已經有2千4百萬的點閱率. 這個可愛的動畫述說著一隻奇異鳥, (一種紐西蘭原生, 無法飛行的鳥) 試著達成他一生的夢想 - 在天空飛翔. 雖然動畫本身的光影畫面非常樸素簡單, 也沒什麼材質或特效, 但是人物動作很生動流暢. 更何況這故事真的挺感人又感傷的.

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