Monday, December 7, 2009


The use of computer animation in the realm of fine art is quite rare. That's why "Peripetics", a unique piece of animated art, is so intriguing. Created by the London-based group Zeitguised, (the guys who did "Sweetheart" with Universal Everything) this is a six-act short for the opening exhibition at the Zirkel Gallery. According to Zeitguised, "It entails six imaginations of disoriented systems that take a catastrophic turn." The imageries in the animation and the sound affects seem like abstract representations of human bodies and organs, strange architectures, and alien machineries.

很少會看到用電腦動畫表達的抽象藝術, 這也是為什麼"Peripetics", 一個相當獨特的動畫藝術, 是那麼的耐人尋味. 由倫敦的Zeitguised所製作, (他們曾經和Universal Everything合作過"Sweetheart") 這短片共分6幕, 是Zirkel Gallery開幕展覽的其中一項作品. 根據Zeitguised的說法, "此作品為6個純屬幻想的結構, 轉變成了混沌凌亂的型態." 動畫的視覺和音效感覺像是在用抽象的方式表現人體結構和內臟, 奇形怪狀的建築, 和一些外星儀器.

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