Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The TV Show

This little gem from Sugimoto Kousuke called "The TV Show" is sort of like a compilation of all the great classic Japanese anime and shows back in the 70's and 80's. The video constantly transitions from one part to the next as if the previous part is merely on a display devise of the next part. Each segments are different and have their own distinctive and quirky Japanese drawing styles, while the music is very catchy and works great with the animation. The animation gets crazier and funnier with each cycle, and ultimately ends up being a huge chaotic mishmash.

杉本康介製作的這個動畫 "The TV Show" (電視節目) 有點像是70和80年代所有日本經典電影和卡通的大集合. 影片不斷從一個段落轉換到下一段, 而上一段的影片則變成了下一段裡的某個電視畫面. 每幕都很不一樣, 都有那種獨特, 又有點怪怪的日本畫風. 音樂也很有節奏, 和動畫相當的搭. 這動畫會慢慢的越變越瘋狂, 越來越搞笑, 直到最後好像全部的東西都亂七八糟的混在一起了.

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