Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Ever wondered how this global economic melt-down ever got started? You probably heard a lot of detailed and lengthy explanations involving confusing analogies and foreign terms such as "sub-prime mortgage", "CDOs", and "credit default swap". And if you are as financially clueless as I am, those words probably did nothing but made your head hurt, and still ended up knowing nothing. Luckily, Jonathan Jarvis noticed people like us and created this informative animation that clearly explains everything. the graphics he used are very simple and diagrammatic. Combined with the power of animation, Jonathan was able to break down a complex subject and made it easy to understand for everyone.

有沒有想過這個全球性的金融危機到底是怎麼開始的? 你們大概聽過很多又臭又長的解釋, 令人頭腦錯亂的比喻, 以及一些像是火星語言的辭彙如 "次級房貸", "債務抵押債券", 和"信用違約交換"等等. 而如果你跟我一樣是金融白痴的話, 那些解釋只會讓人一頭霧水, 到頭來還是什麼都不懂. 很幸運的, Jonathan Jarvis 為了我們這種人製作了一個動畫, 把一整個情況解釋的清清楚楚. 他利用簡單概要的圖像, 配上動畫的力量, 用視覺的方式把一個複雜的課題分析得讓每個人都可以輕鬆明瞭. 終於知道那些在華爾街的傢伙是怎麼把經濟搞垮的了.

Thanks, Lolay!

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