Monday, December 21, 2009

Sixes Last

Just came back from watching Avatar, and like many of my friends and audiences there, I was thoroughly impressed by it. The visual effects and imageries are truly amazing and revolutionary. One of my favorite parts of the film is the alien yet beautiful environments in Pandora, which really reminds me of 1stAveMachine's earlier works involving moving plants, glowing flowers and extraterrestrial beings that are so seamlessly integrated with reality. Projects such as the MV for "Sixes Last", the spot for Quinns, and the ad for Samsung's LED TV practically defines the company's early identity.

剛剛看完 "阿凡達", 我的感想跟電影院裡許多觀眾相同: 真的挺讚的. 電影裡的特效, 畫面, 和3D立體效果真的是很了不起, 有革命性的進步. 其中我最喜歡的地方是潘多拉這星球裡美麗又奇異的環境, 讓我想起 1stAveMachine 早期的作品. 裡面常常出現會動的植物, 發光的花朵, 或外星的生物, 製作的非常真實. 像是 "Sixes Last" 的MV, Quinns 的影片, Samsung LED TV 的廣告, 這些作品可以說是定立了這家公司早期的品牌形象.

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