Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Blu's ambitious animation, "MUTO", is best described as street graffiti meets stop-motion animation. The magnitude of the work is breath-taking, especially when you consider the artist has to paint and repaint over many times to generate the effect. Furthermore, the scale of the images ranges from the size of a poster to the entire wall of a building, and you begin to wonder how can one person and his assistant achieve something like this. The animation was made in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina.

Blu是一位街頭畫家, 而他的新作"MUTO"可以形容成是街頭藝術遇上逐格動畫. 這個動畫十分了不起, Blu不但需要一格一格的畫到上百幅壁畫, 而且這些壁畫的面積從海報大小到一整面大樓的外牆都有. 很難想像這是單單靠一個畫家和他的助手完成的. 動畫是在阿根廷的首都Buenos Aires裡某條街上完成的.

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