Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

Fed up with the overload of Hollywood slasher movies involving unimaginative weapons such as guns, knives or chainsaws? This hilarious short with an unusually long title from Richard Gale has the nemesis killing a guy with a... spoon. And the bad guy doesn't even try to stab or jam the spoon in, he just keeps tapping him, for years. As I watch the film, I can really imagine the pain and agony the victim's feeling, as I would be much happier if I were killed in a more instant and normal way. The opening of the film says it all, "Some murders takes seconds, others takes hours. Now, this murder... takes years!"

受夠了好萊塢的驚悚片了嗎? 殺來殺去大不了就是用槍啊, 刀啊, 或電鋸那些亂沒想像力的武器. Richard Gale 的爆笑短片 "The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon" ("一個用極為沒效率的武器所進行的恐怖漫長謀殺", 真的是我看過最長的標題) 是利用一個... 湯匙來殺人的. 而且兇手可不是把湯匙刺進身體裡喔, 而是不斷的,日赴一日的輕輕敲打. 看著這影片我好像可以感覺到被害人的痛苦, 換做是我的話我還寧願用平常一點的殺人方法死掉還比較輕鬆. 影片開頭就說了, "有些謀殺只需幾秒, 有些要花上數小時. 現在, 這個謀殺... 可是要花上好幾年!!"

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