Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merry Christmas everyone! Feeling the holiday spirit everywhere, I feel like I should post something relatable too. "Alma" is a high quality animation from the Pixar animator Rodrigo Blaas. The cute character designs, soft and beautiful lighting, and the great editing and cinematography definitely has that Pixar signature written all over it. However, don't let its cute exterior fool you, since the short is actually quite creepy and scary, like nothing you would see from the kids-friendly studio. It really makes you wonder if this is where all those mysteriously disappeared kids ended up at.

聖誕節快樂! 又感覺好像得po個應景的東西才過的去. "Alma" 是一個在皮克斯當動畫師的 Rodrigo Blaas 所製作的一個相當高品質的短片. 可愛的人物設計, 柔和美麗的光影, 和高水準的剪接與攝影, 都有皮克斯電影的味道. 但是, 別被這動畫可愛的外表騙了. 皮克斯可不會製作一個劇情那麼詭異又恐怖的故事. 這會讓我覺得那些離奇失蹤的孩子們是不是都跟影片裡的主角一樣, 被永遠封鎖在娃娃裡了?

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