Thursday, November 12, 2009


"How it would be, if a house was dreaming?" is the idea behind the art project 555 KUBIK. Daniel Rossa teamed up with Urbanscreen to project moving imageries onto the facade of the Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany, making the whole wall turn into a virtual transformer. The building seems to be constantly morphing and reconfiguring itself into different shapes and patterns. Make sure you turn your volume on when watching this because the sound effects really adds to it. Watch the extended version here, and take a look at some of the other similar projects such as the Mint Plaza and the Augmented Space.

"如果一個房子會作夢的話, 那會是什麼樣子?" 是裝置藝術555 KUBIK 背後的概念. Daniel RossaUrbanscreen合作, 把量身訂做的動態影片投射到一棟在德國的美術館Kunsthalle的牆面上, 使得一整座牆變成了虛擬的變形金剛. 看上去, 建築物似乎不停的在變形, 一下凸出, 一下又凹進的, 變化成各種形狀和圖樣. 看這影片時記得把聲音打開. 按這裡看加長版, 有興趣的話也可以看看其他類似的作品如Mint PlazaAugmented Space.

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