Monday, November 23, 2009

Fumiko's Confession

Ah, gotta love those ridiculous and hilarious Japanese anime! "Fumiko's Confession" is an independent short created by Hiroyasu Ishida and peers, and it shows the charm and the quirkiness that is so distinctively Japanese. For the people who don't understand the language (like me), fear not - we've got the helpful and powerful YouTube community out there that helped us on translation: (Be sure to check out the making of too)
Girl: "Please go out with me!"
Boy: "Sorry! Right now I want to focus on baseball!"
Girl: "Waaah!! Takashi-Kun you idiot!!"
Girl: "I'll make miso soup for you at home every morning!!"
Boy: "Sorry! I really want to focus on baseball!"
Girl: "Ahh!!" (falls unconscious)

真的很喜歡爆笑又搞怪的日本動畫! "美子的告白"是廣安石田和夥伴製作的一個動畫短片. 這部短片的古怪風以及趣味真的是非常的日式風格. 如果你跟我一樣聽不懂日文的話, 別擔心, 有YouTube的社群來幫忙翻譯: (別忘了看一下幕後製作)
女: "請你和我交往!"
男: "對不起! 現在我想專注在棒球上!"
女: "哇!!! 隆同學你這個笨蛋!!"
女: "我會每天早上在你家做味增湯給你!!"
男: "對不起! 現在我真的只想專注在棒球上!"
女: "啊...!!" (昏倒)

1 comment:

  1. 哈哈!!當初是看沒翻譯的~
