Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is Your Cell Phone Evil?

The Mill, the brilliant minds that came up with "Dix", teamed up with Droga5 to create this online viral for Net10 that asks the question "is your cell phone evil?" The video started out like another low quality, home-made YouTube video about some kid who got too bored and decided to microwave his cellphone and see what happens. Yet, the event that follows is definitely both shocking and unexpected. Never know so much evilness is hidden inside that gadget.

"Dix"的特效團隊The Mill這次又出新招, 和Droga5合作製作了Net10的病毒式行銷影片來質問我們, "你的手機是邪惡的嗎?" 影片開頭像是許多其他的低畫質, 在自己家裡拍的YouTube影片 - 一個無聊的小鬼想看看如果把他的手機放到微波爐裡面去烤的話會發生什麼事. 但是, 接下來發生的事則是既驚悚又異想不到的. 從來不知道我的手機裡那麼邪惡呀.

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